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Rogue Forum, Analysis of current Terror,

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Volume 2 .......... Issue 5 ........... May 16, 2001

"Editors rebuttle
To me, the following opinion and the article that follows are dangerous.  We
need more clear pragmatic thinking and superb military strategy and execution.

First, please let me say, the enormity of the deadly terrorist attacks will
weight heavily on all the world; too important to allow confusion.

To me, the article reflects an older point of view, dressed up with a little
religion and history.  We and our early fathers have known corruption and
many abuses of power and other excesses by government  and right now, many
of our rights and freedoms are under siege by our own government.

The article bias, that we have departed from God and Constitutional freedoms
and responsibilities, has little to do with the specifics of the terrorist
case.  It is co-option, appropriation of the terrorist issue, to fuel the
struggle against encroachment by our government.  We don't need that kind of
confusion.  We need to work on our own problems in a peaceful humane way and
face the deadly suicidal terrorists realistically.

The terrorist position is deeply rooted in injustice and religious belief
but is still a minority position in the Moslem world.  However, given Moslem
sensitivities,  we could ignite a US vs. Moslem world war if we don't keep
focused on terrorists and communicate well.  Also as a practical matter, it
would help if some of the worst abuse by the US and Europe via debt and
exploitation could be curbed.

I am sorry to disagree but these ideas are important enough and the risks
are serious enough to warrant speaking up. It should be interesting times.

Best wishes to all,

From: "Gayle B. Ellison"
Subject: FW: Why They Did It -- What Effect It Has Had

Whew!  this guy makes a lot of sense.

From: Speedo
Hi All,
Let us hope that this one gets to Dubyah......Jack

From: "William J. Bonville"

This lady has a keen sense of history. ......Bill

Why They Did It - What Effect It Has Had

For every action, there is a reaction - cause and effect. Many have
questioned why the acts of terrorism, and the effect of that terrorism on
our nation. Some have proferred the evils of the Muslim religion and he
Islamic state, others have ask why we simply don't "take them out". I
offer the following for discussion and comment. I hope it will
encourage people to think outside the box, to look at this, maybe, from
a different perspective.

First, the cause ...>Three quotes speak directly to the foundations of our nation ...

1.  "We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the
power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our
political institutions upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern
ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten
Commandments of God." (James Madison)

2.  "The people in America have now the best opportunity and the
greatest trust in their hands that Providence ever committed to so small a
number...if they betray their trust, their guilt will merit even greater
punishment than other nations have suffered, and the indignation of Heaven
..." (John Adams, 1787)

3.  "Our consititution was made for a moral and religious people; it is
wholly inadequate for any other." (John Adams)

James Madison spoke to our form of government where the power flows from
God to the people to the government as delineated by the Declaration of
Independence, 1776. He spoke to the biblical foundation of civil
governance starting at the individual level, moving to the familial
structure, and moving to the body politic from the local level to the national level.

John Adams spoke of the foundations of our nation and government and the
trust placed in the people of America to keep their nation and their
leaders close to God; and he spoke of what would happen if they betrayed that trust.

We have betrayed that trust ... we have failed to remain close and true to
God, failed to maintain our Godly heritage, and in our failure, we have
destroyed the very foundation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

John Adams proferred that we would suffer as no other nation has before; we
would suffer the indignation of Heaven. We have betrayed God and God has
turned his back on us. We have seen, in the past two weeks, more heads
bent in prayer, more call to prayer, than we have seen in ages. But we, as
a nation, although espousing our Christianity, deny our Christian heritage
and responsibility. God isn't going to save our nation when we continue to
deny our responsbility and heritage.

George Washington, in his farewell address to the nation, warned against
the alliance of America with any nation or nations, warned against American
involvement in any altercations between nations.

But we have failed to heed his warning. Instead we have interceded, become
involved in, the altercations of other nations, and we have done so, not
for the well-being of the American people, but for the self-interests of
our government.

Our government has become a "bully" in the world. The American people
don't know what their government is doing inside their own borders, hence
Waco and Ruby Ridge, let alone what their government is doing in other countries.

And our government is pushing the New World Order ... the global society in
which all peoples are not more than a system among systems, interconnected
and interdependent, leveraged to be kept in balance in the interests of
maintaining and sustaining global balance. It's called systems governance
by many names, but most notably and most recently ... the Third Wave or
Way. It's what we are seeing in outcome-based education, performance based
budgeting, the high performance work organization (total quality
management). It has infiltrated every facet of our society and
governance structure. Back in the 50's and 60's, it was known as planning
programming budgeting systems (PPBS). It was used to fight the Vietnam War. It was
the structure of Nazi Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR). It failed in all three. Now, with computer technology, theoretic
politicians and systems engineers believe they have the needed tool to
leverage and keep systems in balance. But it will fail again because no
computer can make allowance for and accommodate spirituality and
self-determinism inherent to human nature. Those can only be dealt with
through force which is why the structure always results, finally, in
tyranny and oppression as the "radical atoms must be exterminated in the
greater good of the collective whole."

Some religions have a real aversion to any breach of the sovereignty of
their nation boundaries and their religious beliefs. The Muslim religion
is one of those.

The media spin has been to point up repeatedly that this terrorism is the
work of religious fundamentalists. And the media has hyped fundamentalism
as the cause. It is not the cause, it is the foundation of the discontent.
And whether I like or approve of the religious beliefs of the Muslim
religion or Muslim fundamentalists is of no difference, these people have a
right to their religious beliefs. Our government does not seem to believe they do.

But these people are beginning to see the threat that the global society
poses for their religious beliefs as sytems governance cannot tolerate any
religion other than that which it sanctions - the New Age religion of
compromise (consensus) of good and evil which always results in evil
predominate, loss of moral compass, and degradation of society. Anyone
taking notice of the unified ecumenical services being performed
nation-wide during this time of "crisis"?

And these people are looking at the United States support for the global
society, they know they have neither the resources nor the ability to take
the United States on in a face-off confrontation, so they resort to terrorism.

Had America kept it's nose where it belonged, heeded the advice and
warnings of George Washington; had America stayed close to its roots and
foundations, none of this would have happened.

I do not pretend for one moment to approve of what these terrorists have
done, but I do understand why they have done it, I do understand why they
hate the United States. And they, like so many Americans, equate the
United States government with America. They are not the same. One is the
government, the other is the people. Under our Constitution and Bill of
Rights, the people of this country are the government. But that is not so
under systems governance where the government is the master, the people
mere human capital to be used, abused, and discarded at the whim of the government.
Second, the effect ...
Now I'm going to speak to the "flip side of the coin" - the effect of the
actions of these terrorists. They wanted to wake the American people up
what their government was doing in other countries, just as the Gulf War
was intended to turn the Iraqi people against Saddam Hussein. But it
didn't work. The immediate media hype was to turn the attention of the
American people away from the real cause, taking it in a direction
beneficial to the self-interests of the government.

The media has done it's job well. People aren't looking at what their
government has done in other countries, the American people are simply
yelling, "united we stand ... take out the terrorists ... we support our
government." This gives our govenment the ability to go right on doing
what it's been doing without fear of being held accountable by the American
people. Once again, the American people have swallowed the media spin
hook, line and sinker. They cheer their government on to retaliation
without realizing that, in all of this, they are losing yet more freedom, more liberty.

Now we are hearing how we should give up our rights for security ...the
talk is hot and heavy. In the words of Cicero, 42 BC - those who give up
their rights for security will, in the end, lose both.

We watched, in the days following September 11, 2001, as our country
essentially shut down ... at the instruction of the government. Anyone
realize that Y2K just happened for real but the computers are still
running? Now we hear rumors that the US government knew about the
terrorists and their intent long before September 11, 2001, but did
nothing. The question arises: Why did they do nothing? Was it a
deliberate act, just as we now know that Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt knew
Pearl Harbor was going to happen but did nothing? Feeding into that is the
question of why, given the time span between the planes hitting the World
Trade Center towers and the plane hitting the Pentagon, given that the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) communicated to the DOD (Department
of Defense) that there was a third plane in the air headed for DC, did the
DOD not take action? And why didn't the DOD act on the fourth plane that
was also headed in the direction of DC?

While such obviously was not their intent, the terrorists have, in reality,
advanced the cause of the New World Order because the American people have
not a clue what is really going on in their nation, they want to believe in
their government, they want security, they want comfort and convenience and
they will do anything, including nothing, to get it.

This quote, from Saul Alinsky, self-proclaimed Marxist, in Rules for Radicals, comes to mind:

"Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative,
non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people.
They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the
prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future."

Any one recognize that in what has happened in the last two weeks?

Lynn M Stuter
September 24, 2001

This document may also be accessed at

" http://www.icehouse.net/lmstuter/events01.htm "



"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." ---Patrick Henry

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Date Last Modified: 10/17/2001
PO Box #8, Trail, OR 97541-0008